…Saul is just such a goof ball he is so clumsy we love him and he loves the baby. He slept on the couch last night cause he was to lazy to get up and come to the bedroom. But when i woke him to go outside this morning afterwards he came in and went strait to the bed to cuddle with holly. He is just a big ole snuggly bear. We decided to name him bruno but saul is going to be his middle name..lol We just took a couple pics and attached sorry the bed looks so sloppy but we use him as an ecuse not to make it.lol He is taking to the leash alot better than i thought he would but when im walking him if he decides he is done walking before we make it back to the house than he just plops down. He is such a added joy to our family, we will never be able to thank you enough! Now we will never have a dull moment in our house.